I went to NY to help David move. This is the apartment he is moving into. He
and Virginia are engaged and she will be moving in this summer after she finishes
up at Sienna. She would be graduating this month (May 2005), but she lacks a couple
of credits and so will be taking them this summer while she works. |
This is David's new car. It is a Toyota and way cool. David had been driving
a Honda Accord wagon, but last winter it was totaled in an accident. However, David
was (and is) doing well at work so he was able to buy a new car (he can afford it). |
Here is a picture of David going out to his car to get another load to take
into the new apartment. The weather was gorgeous the entire weekend, which helped
make the move go a lot easier. |
Here is Barbara, my former wife, or her way out to get another load to take in.
We ate well throughout the weekend visiting several of the restaurants that David
(and Jay) liked. It was nice to see their regular haunts. |
This is the apartment building that David was moving out of. It was an
older building (built about 1960 I would guess) with problems with the heat
(too much) and water pressure (not enough). |
This is the building where David works. It is just off of SUNY ALbany campus
and in a building that belongs to the university (leased to technology companies).
In mid-May 2005 David's company gave him a very nice raise. We were pleased by
that as they seem to have decided to pay competitive salary and were able to
get and retain more people than they had been a year ago. |
This is the dorm where Jay was staying. His room was on the fourth floor of the
tower. Jay is headed out to meet me in this picture. He is now taller than me
(though you can't tell it in this picture. |
This picture is of the Columbia dorms where Jay will be staying this summer
and next semester. They have single rooms with a common area with a kitchen
and such. It will allows him to ditch the meal plan (which gets expensive and
he gets tired of their food). He can also stay there over the summer and
work. |
These dorms also have a community center (shown here on the left side of the
picture) with things like a gym making it especially nice for the residents. |
The weekend when I visited was also Fountain Day, the day when they turn on
the campus fountains (turned off for the winter). It was held on Sunday and
is a big celebration (welcomes the spring). This is the main fountain in the
central square. The academic buildings are all around the fountain. |
After the big celebration, they had to turn off the fountain and clean
up. Jay and I passed through the area on our way to the Crossroads mall where
we got a new power supply for his computer. It fixed the problem. That was a relief
as that was one of my two objectives for the trip. Jay also showed me around
the mall. We visited a few of the shops there and Jay pointed out the places
where he is hoping to be able to work. |
Then on Tuesday I took an early morning flight back to Portland, OR. David
is the SCM (Software Configuration Manager, I think) for CommerceHub for now
and is responsible for preparing and rolling out new releases. They had a new
release that morning, so he needed to be at work by 4:30AM. He got me to the
airport abouit 4:15AM for a 6:30AM flight, so it worked out well. |
On the return flight, I flew on Northwest. They exchange flights with
Continental (each flight can be flown with either airline). I changed planes
in Detroit and had to (or chose to?) take one of their airport trams from one end of the
terminal to the other. This is the track it goes along. It is a nice airport. |
I got back to Portland before noon and took the Max back to work. The driver
had the door to his control area open and we were able to chat a bit.... The next
day at work they announced that the president and two vice presidents of AtOnce.com
(the small company I was originally hired by) were made presidents and vice
presidents of the YesMail.com subsidiary which bought us. They were having some
serious problems at YesMail.com and so it is a good sign that our executives
were taking charge. They will still have a tough time keeping our techinical
people (many of whom were given notice right after the buy out), but there
is reason to hope now. |
Many afternoons Jim and I take a half an hour for a walk as we eat our lunch
at our desks. When the weather is nice we sometimes walk down to the river and
along the river for a bit. However, for the Rose Festival, our normal routes
were often blocked. They had 'the tall ships' visiting which sometimes tied
up traffic as they had to lift the draw bridges on many of the major highways
across the river. Here are a couple of Canadian Coast Guard cutters. There were
also a couple of U.S. Navy ships on the other side of the bridge, but I couldn't
get a good picture of them. |
The cutters were not really very heavily armed. One smallish cannon on the
bow (perhaps three or four inches) and four machine guns. I imagine
they mostly do rescues and rarely need any sort of firepower. However, security
was much tighter than previously with this dinghy patrolling the river with
machine guns on the fore and aft. |